Head Start /head-start Head Start en-US 2021 (c) 91制片厂视频 Week Thu, 01 Dec 2022 05:01:22 GMT As Head Start Quality Push Continues, Advocates Raise Red Flag on Equity /teaching-learning/as-head-start-quality-push-continues-advocates-raise-red-flag-on-equity/2022/12 Inadequate federal funding forces Head Start providers to choose between quality and quantity, a new report contends. Thu, 01 Dec 2022 05:01:22 GMT /teaching-learning/as-head-start-quality-push-continues-advocates-raise-red-flag-on-equity/2022/12 High Court Appears Skeptical of Vaccine Mandate Covering Schools in Over Half the States /policy-politics/high-court-appears-skeptical-of-vaccine-mandate-covering-schools-in-over-half-the-states/2022/01 The Biden administration's OSHA rule applies to private employers with 100 or more workers, as well as school districts in 26 states. Fri, 07 Jan 2022 22:19:18 GMT /policy-politics/high-court-appears-skeptical-of-vaccine-mandate-covering-schools-in-over-half-the-states/2022/01 Federal Judge Blocks Biden's COVID Vaccine Mandate for Head Start Teachers /policy-politics/federal-judge-blocks-bidens-covid-vaccine-mandate-for-head-start-teachers/2022/01 In a challenge by 24 states, the judge's preliminary injunction also blocks a mask mandate for Head Start students age 2 or older. Sun, 02 Jan 2022 18:17:01 GMT /policy-politics/federal-judge-blocks-bidens-covid-vaccine-mandate-for-head-start-teachers/2022/01 Federal Watchdog Finds Risk of Head Start Fraud, Ranking Republican Seeks Hearing /teaching-learning/federal-watchdog-finds-risk-of-head-start-fraud-ranking-republican-seeks-hearing/2019/10 Officials have not done enough to prevent fraud in Head Start programs, the GAO said. The findings prompted Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., the ranking member of the House education and labor committee, to call for a hearing on the federally funded preschool program for low-income children. Wed, 02 Oct 2019 18:04:48 GMT /teaching-learning/federal-watchdog-finds-risk-of-head-start-fraud-ranking-republican-seeks-hearing/2019/10 Head Start Wants to Back Off Its Mandate to Lengthen Operating Hours /teaching-learning/head-start-wants-to-back-off-its-mandate-to-lengthen-operating-hours/2019/04 The federally funded preschool program for children from low-income families proposes ending a requirement that all center-based programs offer 1,020 hours of service per school year. Tue, 23 Apr 2019 21:25:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-wants-to-back-off-its-mandate-to-lengthen-operating-hours/2019/04 New Reports Tout Role of Gathering Data in Creating Effective Head Start Programs /teaching-learning/new-reports-tout-role-of-gathering-data-in-creating-effective-head-start-programs/2019/03 Bellwether 91制片厂视频 Partners highlights five Head Starts programs and says that the very best are serious about data collection and use what they learn from it to improve their practices. Mon, 25 Mar 2019 15:33:00 GMT /teaching-learning/new-reports-tout-role-of-gathering-data-in-creating-effective-head-start-programs/2019/03 'Father of Head Start' Edward F. Zigler Dies at 88 /teaching-learning/father-of-head-start-edward-f-zigler-dies-at-88/2019/02 Zigler was the last surviving member of the committee that developed the federal Head Start program, part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty. Sun, 10 Feb 2019 14:52:00 GMT /teaching-learning/father-of-head-start-edward-f-zigler-dies-at-88/2019/02 Practicing Kindergarten: How a Summer Program Eases Kids Into Learning /teaching-learning/practicing-kindergarten-how-a-summer-program-eases-kids-into-learning/2018/08 The start of kindergarten can be overwhelming for students, and for their parents. In Portland, Ore., a summer program is working to ease that transition. Wed, 15 Aug 2018 20:59:00 GMT /teaching-learning/practicing-kindergarten-how-a-summer-program-eases-kids-into-learning/2018/08 How Data Helped Head Start Centers Tackle a 'No Show' Problem /policy-politics/how-data-helped-head-start-centers-tackle-a-no-show-problem/2018/06 Getting a more accurate enrollment count for the start of the school year is just one way that Head Start centers use data to improve operations. Wed, 20 Jun 2018 00:47:51 GMT /policy-politics/how-data-helped-head-start-centers-tackle-a-no-show-problem/2018/06 Abuse Allegations Lead Ky. District to Drop Head Start Grant /teaching-learning/abuse-allegations-lead-ky-district-to-drop-head-start-grant/2018/06 Jefferson County schools in Kentucky gave up a $15 million grant after 30 years and instead will spend $8 million to start a district-run early-childhood program. Wed, 13 Jun 2018 00:45:32 GMT /teaching-learning/abuse-allegations-lead-ky-district-to-drop-head-start-grant/2018/06 Troubled Ky. School District Gives Up Head Start Grant After Abuse Allegations /teaching-learning/troubled-ky-school-district-gives-up-head-start-grant-after-abuse-allegations/2018/06 The 101,000-student Jefferson County district, the state's largest, says it will start an early-childhood program of its own to serve Head Start-eligible children. Wed, 06 Jun 2018 19:30:00 GMT /teaching-learning/troubled-ky-school-district-gives-up-head-start-grant-after-abuse-allegations/2018/06 New Report Details Role Head Start Plays in Country's Rural Communities /teaching-learning/new-report-details-role-head-start-plays-in-countrys-rural-communities/2018/04 The report by the Center for American Progress found that Head Start plays a vital role in supporting families who live in rural communities, which are more likely to be child-care deserts. Wed, 11 Apr 2018 19:45:00 GMT /teaching-learning/new-report-details-role-head-start-plays-in-countrys-rural-communities/2018/04 Trump Team May Make Head Start, CHIP a Hurdle for Green Card Applicants /teaching-learning/trump-team-may-make-head-start-chip-a-hurdle-for-green-card-applicants/2018/02 The administration is pondering a rules change that would make it harder for people to get permanent U.S. residency if they're deemed a burden to taxpayers. Tue, 13 Feb 2018 18:40:00 GMT /teaching-learning/trump-team-may-make-head-start-chip-a-hurdle-for-green-card-applicants/2018/02 Head Start Waiving Requirement to Offer Longer School Day and Year /teaching-learning/head-start-waiving-requirement-to-offer-longer-school-day-and-year/2018/01 The federally-funded preschool program was supposed to offer a longer program day to children, but department officials chose to put off the requirement rather than cutting slots. Mon, 22 Jan 2018 20:57:58 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-waiving-requirement-to-offer-longer-school-day-and-year/2018/01 Head Start Considering Changes to Create 'Less Burdensome' Competition Process /teaching-learning/head-start-considering-changes-to-create-less-burdensome-competition-process/2017/12 The federal early-childhood program is looking for comments on changes that it says will help it zero in more closely on low-performing grantees. Fri, 08 Dec 2017 02:09:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-considering-changes-to-create-less-burdensome-competition-process/2017/12 Head Start May Offer Next-Generation Benefits, Researchers Say /teaching-learning/head-start-may-offer-next-generation-benefits-researchers-say/2017/09 A study awaiting publication finds that the future offspring of children who attend Head Start may benefit from the federal preschool program. Fri, 22 Sep 2017 21:30:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-may-offer-next-generation-benefits-researchers-say/2017/09 Head Start Down, Home Visiting Up in White House Budget Proposal /teaching-learning/head-start-down-home-visiting-up-in-white-house-budget-proposal/2017/05 Head Start would see funding at fiscal 2016 levels and home visiting would see continued funding under the budget proposal released Tuesday by the Trump White House. Wed, 24 May 2017 00:21:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-down-home-visiting-up-in-white-house-budget-proposal/2017/05 Head Start Turns 52 Today. Congress Should Protect Its Funding (Opinion) /policy-politics/opinion-head-start-turns-52-today-congress-should-protect-its-funding/2017/05 Head Start has helped prepare more than 33 million children for kindergarten, so why is there talk of defunding the bipartisan-supported program? asks Mark K. Shriver. Thu, 18 May 2017 16:39:51 GMT /policy-politics/opinion-head-start-turns-52-today-congress-should-protect-its-funding/2017/05 Head Start Could Be Innovator for Early-Childhood Workforce, Ed. Group Says /teaching-learning/head-start-could-be-innovator-for-early-childhood-workforce-ed-group-says/2017/02 The federal preschool program for low-income children could be used to try out new programs to support teachers and children, says a education consulting group. Tue, 21 Feb 2017 17:49:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-could-be-innovator-for-early-childhood-workforce-ed-group-says/2017/02 More Than 600 Head Start Programs to Lengthen Hours Under New Funding /teaching-learning/more-than-600-head-start-programs-to-lengthen-hours-under-new-funding/2017/01 The new funding provides about a third of the money needed to offer all Head Start children a full school day and full year, which is a change required under new performance standards. Tue, 03 Jan 2017 20:17:00 GMT /teaching-learning/more-than-600-head-start-programs-to-lengthen-hours-under-new-funding/2017/01 Head Start: One Program, Dramatic Differences Among States, Study Finds /teaching-learning/head-start-one-program-dramatic-differences-among-states-study-finds/2016/12 An analysis of federal reports shows the differences in Head Start programs among the states on issues such as teacher pay, student enrollment and length of program day. Wed, 14 Dec 2016 14:16:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-one-program-dramatic-differences-among-states-study-finds/2016/12 Trump's Pick for HHS Secretary Advocated for State Control of Head Start /teaching-learning/trumps-pick-for-hhs-secretary-advocated-for-state-control-of-head-start/2016/11 Back in 2007, Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., nominated to head the Department of Health and Human Services, pushed a proposal to have Head Start funds managed by states. Tue, 29 Nov 2016 20:11:00 GMT /teaching-learning/trumps-pick-for-hhs-secretary-advocated-for-state-control-of-head-start/2016/11 Taking Stock of Head Start in Southern States /teaching-learning/taking-stock-of-head-start-in-southern-states/2016/11 In the South, Head Start children are somewhat more poor than children enrolled in the program nationally, among other differences outlined in an analysis by the Institute for Child Success. Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:53:00 GMT /teaching-learning/taking-stock-of-head-start-in-southern-states/2016/11 New Head Start Rules Aim to Balance Flexibility, Oversight /teaching-learning/new-head-start-rules-aim-to-balance-flexibility-oversight/2016/09 Many of the revisions reflect an evolving knowledge of how young children learn, as well as the changing landscape in the field of early education. Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:47:11 GMT /teaching-learning/new-head-start-rules-aim-to-balance-flexibility-oversight/2016/09 Longer Day, Year Required for Many Head Start Programs /teaching-learning/longer-day-year-required-for-many-head-start-programs/2016/09 Final performance standards are aimed at raising professional-development requirements and educational standards for the federal preschool program, while cutting the red tape. Wed, 07 Sep 2016 01:13:36 GMT /teaching-learning/longer-day-year-required-for-many-head-start-programs/2016/09 New Head Start Rules Lengthen Program Year, Cut Red Tape /teaching-learning/new-head-start-rules-lengthen-program-year-cut-red-tape/2016/09 The Head Start performance standards, which were last revised in 1975, will require many programs to phase in a longer operating day and year. Thu, 01 Sep 2016 22:05:00 GMT /teaching-learning/new-head-start-rules-lengthen-program-year-cut-red-tape/2016/09 Studies on Head Start Bolster Arguments for Long-Term Impact /teaching-learning/studies-on-head-start-bolster-arguments-for-long-term-impact/2016/08 A pair of new studies, taking different approaches, say the $8.6 billion federal preschool program has measurable continuing benefits in a number of key areas. Wed, 31 Aug 2016 00:54:27 GMT /teaching-learning/studies-on-head-start-bolster-arguments-for-long-term-impact/2016/08 Maryland District Loses $6.4 Million Head Start Grant Over Abuse, Neglect Findings /teaching-learning/maryland-district-loses-6-4-million-head-start-grant-over-abuse-neglect-findings/2016/08 The Head Start program in Prince George's County, a suburb of Washington D.C. engaged in humiliating treatment of children and, in one case, lost track of a student for about an hour, according to inspection reports. Thu, 18 Aug 2016 21:07:00 GMT /teaching-learning/maryland-district-loses-6-4-million-head-start-grant-over-abuse-neglect-findings/2016/08 Hillary Clinton and the Birth of Early Head Start /teaching-learning/hillary-clinton-and-the-birth-of-early-head-start/2016/08 Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, said she helped to create the 22-year-old program for pregnant women, babies, and toddlers. What was her role in supporting Early Head Start in its infancy? Wed, 17 Aug 2016 12:47:21 GMT /teaching-learning/hillary-clinton-and-the-birth-of-early-head-start/2016/08 Head Start Programs Could Increase Length of Day, Year With New Funding /teaching-learning/head-start-programs-could-increase-length-of-day-year-with-new-funding/2016/04 Congress has approved $294 million in supplemental funding to allow existing Head Start programs to offer full school day and full school year programs. Thu, 28 Apr 2016 20:17:00 GMT /teaching-learning/head-start-programs-could-increase-length-of-day-year-with-new-funding/2016/04