
Student Well-Being

Should Schools Reward Attendance? What the Experts Say

By Lydia McFarlane 鈥 July 11, 2023 7 min read
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Perfect attendance awards encourage students to come to school, even when they are not feeling well鈥攅ither mentally or physically. However, the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to have shifted attitudes, with schools advocating for mental health days and encouraging students to stay home while they were sick to stop the spread of illnesses.

Attendance awards are not effective in motivating students to go to school鈥some even call the practice outdated鈥攁nd are not equitable to students of all backgrounds. Experts interviewed by 91制片厂视频 Week say educators need to rethink how they view attendance, and how they can combat absenteeism without involving awards.

鈥淲hile we think recognition of good and improved attendance can be helpful, we advise against awarding perfect attendance for a semester or the school year, since the children who struggle the most will soon be left out,鈥 said Hedy Chang, the executive director of Attendance Works, a national nonprofit that conducts research and advocacy to reduce chronic absenteeism.

In interviews with 91制片厂视频 Week, experts shared research and best practices they say educators need to know about using awards and other, more effective and equitable ways, to encourage attendance.

Attendance awards are not effective

Many researchers have attempted to answer the question if attendance awards are effective in the classroom and have overwhelmingly found that they are not.

Experts and leaders have previously pointed out the flaws in attendance awards and outlined how schools are sending poor messaging about attendance.

Todd Rogers is a professor of public policy at Harvard University who has conducted research on school attendance. As part of a , which Rogers collaborated on, a survey of 15,000 students spanning from 6th to 12th grades across 14 West Coast school districts discovered a 鈥渄emotivating effect鈥 of attendance awards.

鈥淪tudents randomly assigned to receive these attendance awards had worse attendance in the weeks after they were received compared to students who were not assigned to receive them,鈥 Rogers said of the study. 鈥淚t appears these awards convey to students that they attend school more than their classmates, so they are licensed to attend a little less.鈥

For this study, Rogers and his collaborators only observed the effects of traditional attendance awards, such as certificates or acknowledgment of attendance.

(The other collaborators on the research paper were Carly Robinson, senior researcher at Stanford University鈥檚 Graduate School of 91制片厂视频 and the Director of Research for EdSolutions at the Stanford Accelerator for Learning; Jana Gallus, Associate Professor of Strategy and Behavioral Decision Making at the University of California Los Angeles; and Monica G. Lee, Senior Research Associate at Stanford University.)

How bad is chronic absenteeism?

Chronic absenteeism is generally defined as students who miss 10 percent or more of the school year鈥攆or any reason, excused or unexcused.

Before the pandemic, 鈥攎ore than 7 million鈥攚ere chronically absent, according to data collected by the U.S. Department of 91制片厂视频.

The rates of absence , and absenteeism is 15 percent less likely among English-speaking students than among non-English-speaking students.

Since the pandemic, the problem has become more prevalent, as the number of students who are chronically absent has significantly increased. As of the 2020-21 school year, 10.1 million students were chronically absent, .

While the latest data from the Department of 91制片厂视频 is from the 2020-21 academic year, has predicted that chronic absences will continue to rise post-pandemic based on state trends.

David Conrad, a professor of education at Governors State University, agreed with this prediction based on observations he has made from teachers following the pandemic.

鈥淓ducators tell me that remote learning conditions were demotivating to students and established unproductive learning habits,鈥 Conrad said. 鈥淓ducators at all levels are still helping students learn to 鈥榩lay school鈥 ... meet deadlines, show up on time and ready to learn, be focused and attentive, and follow other school norms.鈥

What are some factors that affect attendance?

There are many extenuating circumstances in students鈥 lives that can lead to chronic absenteeism, making them ineligible for attendance awards such as those for perfect attendance.

Experts say homelessness or housing instability can be a large factor in chronic absenteeism. Students who are chronically ill, have caretaking responsibilities for younger siblings or older family members in multi-generational homes, or those who are working to support their households financially also may be chronically absent, according to .

Additionally, climate change coupled with the housing crisis continues to displace even more people. Extreme weather events have the potential to displace entire communities, making attendance at school difficult for children affected by these events.

However, many low-income families of color have a difficult time rebuilding after a devastating weather event, , a nonprofit focused on advocacy related to climate change.

What is the problem with encouraging perfect attendance?

Due to extenuating circumstances in some students鈥 lives, it鈥檚 certain that kids who are struggling with family issues, poor health, and other issues are excluded from attendance awards, according to experts.

Chronic absenteeism can have serious negative effects on students, including missing important educational milestones such as developing critical literacy skills, according to . Absenteeism can also be a better indicator of the likelihood of a student dropping out of high school than test scores.

Students who are chronically absent may feel overwhelmed at the thought of returning to school, due to an influx of information they have missed out on. Researchers and experts urge teachers to be understanding and ready to meet chronically absent students with support and resources upon their return to the classroom.

鈥淲hen chronically absent students return to school, they need tutoring and academic support,鈥 Conrad said. 鈥淏ut many schools punish unexcused absences by lowering grades and refusing to support make-up work. Sending truant students back to class without support may exacerbate their absenteeism when the content is too overwhelming.鈥

What are alternate ways to encourage attendance?

Rogers and his collaborators found that 鈥渁ttendance nudge letters鈥 are one of the most effective motivators to get students back to school. These are personalized letters to households addressing a student鈥檚 repeated absences.

鈥淭he experiments found that repeated rounds of customized mailings with asset-based language showing parents precisely how many days of school their students have missed is potent and scalable,鈥 Rogers said.

Conrad suggested a two-pronged approach to addressing chronic absenteeism. First, he suggested tailoring the core curriculum in schools to be engaging to students and relevant to their lives. If students feel seen in the classroom and are interested in what they are learning, they will be more likely to come to school. Next, Conrad suggested that adults in the school make connections with their students.

鈥淓very student needs a connection with at least one trusting adult in the school,鈥 he said. 鈥淭his could be their teacher, coach, advisor, a formal mentor, or any other staff member. Students are more likely to attend school when they feel connected.鈥

Chang and Attendance Works encourage an individualized approach to addressing chronic absenteeism. This approach would include gathering data on which schools in the district, as well as which student populations are experiencing the highest levels of chronic absenteeism.

As an alternative to attendance awards, Attendance Works suggests rewarding behavior, and collaborating with students and their families to see what would be motivating to get their students in the classroom. While attendance awards may not be effective, incentives may be.

鈥淥ffer incentives鈥擺like] gas cards, grocery cards, food baskets鈥攖hat help to address common barriers to getting to school,鈥 Chang said. 鈥淚ncentives also don鈥檛 need to be costly. Consider simple things鈥攔ecognition through certificates or assemblies, extra recess time, being allowed to wear street clothes vs. a uniform, lunch with your favorite school staff person, even dancing in the hallways.鈥

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Maya Riser-Kositsky, Librarian and Data Specialist contributed to this article.


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