
Student Achievement

This School Bet on High-Dosage Tutoring. It鈥檚 Working

By Denisa R. Superville 鈥 June 12, 2023 6 min read
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Fitting high-powered tutoring into the school day can be a mammoth undertaking for school leaders looking to help students recoup academic losses from the pandemic years. Nationwide, districts have struggled to find tutors and ensure the kids who most need extra help get it.

But at College Achieve Public 91制片厂视频 School in Asbury Park, N.J., educators have not only figured out how to offer the program during the school day鈥攖hey鈥檙e now seeing academic growth as a result of the carefully tailored, just-in-time intervention.

Jodi Henderson McInerney, the executive director of the two-campus network, which includes a K-9 school serving 522 students, said that students in 5th grade through 7th grade, those the program targets, outperformed their peers from similar economic backgrounds in English/language arts on the state鈥檚 assessment.

About 90 percent of students qualify for free and reduced-price meals, and about 60 percent are Black. Thirty-eight percent are Latino.

Here鈥檚 how the school did it.

1. It used qualified tutors.

The five tutors鈥攖hree in English language arts and two in math鈥攁re all retired teachers, who each hold a master鈥檚 degree or higher in their subject areas, and have more than 30 years of experience, McInerney said. The tutors also had to demonstrate that they鈥檇 had good results in their individual subject areas, whether ELA or math, when they were full-time teachers.

Tutors entered academically prepared, but McInerney said they received professional development and onboarding to get them acclimated to the school and its student body.

The school鈥檚 regular math and ELA teachers are also enlisted as tutors, with the ELA or math lab, in which the tutoring is provided, counting as one of the six periods they teach daily, McInerney said.

The tutors have become part of the school community, working closely with the students鈥 classroom ELA and math teachers. (In non-academic areas, they also participate in school dance, prom or other activities, even though they鈥檙e not required to.)

2. It maximized the schedule.

The 56-minute, three-times-a-week sessions were added to the school day as special math and English lab periods. No other instructional time was sacrificed, McInerney said.

Largely, the school found the time in the day by being more efficient, including during passing periods and lunch.

As anyone who works in schools knows, putting together a school schedule is a little bit 鈥渓ike brain surgery,鈥 McInerney said. 鈥淚 can鈥檛 get over it sometimes,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 so time-intensive 鈥 It鈥檚 like a huge moving puzzle.鈥

But she and her team dug in.

Kids got ID badges with codes they can scan on their way into the building. That eliminated the need to take attendance in homeroom, shaving off several minutes. Overall, the homeroom period lost 20 minutes.

Next, to minimize the transition from class to class, staff were stationed in the hallways鈥攅veryone from paraprofessionals to teachers did their part鈥攖o keep students moving from A to B as quickly as possible.

鈥淲e just got very effective with, 鈥楲et鈥檚 line up, let鈥檚 move, let鈥檚 go,鈥欌 she said. 鈥淚f you think about it, you can cut two to three minutes off of seven transitions, seven times a day. Minutes add up.鈥

The school day is also 26 minutes longer than the school day at local public schools, so that also gave administrators some flexibility. They applied that same no-dillydallying efficiency to lunch period.

Embedding tutoring into the school day lines up with research. But McInerney says it matters for other reasons, too.

Jodi Henderson McInerney

At first the school tried adding the sessions after school and on weekends, but that didn鈥檛 always work with parents鈥 schedules and clashed with students鈥 Saturday activities.

Also, many of the students live in communities scarred by violence or in homes with multiple family members, making it hard for children to invite friends over to play. McInerney and her team wanted to avoid taking away the important play time they got in a safe environment on campus.

3. It aligned tutoring with core classroom instruction.

The tutoring sessions are meant to pinpoint core concepts students are missing.

The school uses the FastBridge program, which assesses students six times a year, with the first test in October, on the Common Core State Standards they鈥檙e learning and whether they are mastering them. FastBridge provides supplemental work to help teachers and students identify where students may be falling short.

鈥淪o if it鈥檚 a phonics piece, or a writing piece, or math, it will show exactly where the student needs that extra support,鈥 McInerney said.

An in-house coordinator who manages the program, monitors students鈥 grades and shares them with each tutor within 24 hours, along with the student鈥檚 work and what the student needs to focus on.

鈥淣othing works if you have nine kids in a room and seven of them have mastered one thing and two have not,鈥 McInerney said. 鈥淵ou don鈥檛 want the seven getting bored and not be engaged. This way, you identify what those students need 鈥 It helps us to make sure that we are moving our students forward constantly.鈥

4. It kept tutoring groups relatively small.

The school strives for small groups, ideally about six students to one tutor, with enough flexibility for one-on-one support when necessary.

If students are working on writing math expressions, for example, the tutor can pull aside a student or two to help with them if they need more individualized attention.

While the ratio has occasionally increased to nine students per tutor, the sweet spot is six, she said.

鈥淚 feel that it鈥檚 more time intensive,鈥 McInerney said. 鈥淵ou can spend more individual time with students, and it also gives you the ability to tackle all that needs to be done for those six students.鈥

5. It used students鈥 feedback to make improvements.

McInerney and her staff were aware of how students might respond to the idea that they need tutoring or how they鈥檇 be perceived by their peers. So they tried to turn it into a positive thing.

鈥淭hey don鈥檛 want to be pulled out of a class and made to think, ' You鈥檙e being pulled out because you don鈥檛 know how to do this, this, or this,鈥欌 she said.

So instead, educators communicated to students that their teachers thought the tutoring support could help them now and also later with their SATs and future challenges, she said.

The message to students amounted to this: 鈥淵ou are super-bright, and this is to give you that individualized time that you need to work on what you need to work on, and do whatever you want to do,鈥 she said.

To help with that messaging, McInerney, the vice principal, and the school鈥檚 supervisor speak to students privately and introduce them to their tutor. They factor in the students鈥 personalities and whether they鈥檇 enjoy working with a particular tutor.

Students are surveyed every other week to gauge their experience and get feedback.

鈥淚t gives us some insight on what conflicts they might be having or what they might like to work on or see more of,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 really having the students鈥 voice telling us how the program is going for them and what they鈥檇 like to see to enhance the program. It鈥檚 been a tremendous tool for us.鈥

After all, she said, they are the ones in the tutoring sessions, who are best placed to hear what鈥檚 working and what鈥檚 not working鈥攁nd how the school can tweak the program along the way, rather than at the year鈥檚 end.

Students aren鈥檛 shy about what鈥檚 going well or what they鈥檇 like to change.

鈥淭hey are smart kids and they know what they need, and we need to give them every advantage possible,鈥 she said.

Parents are also included. They鈥檙e surveyed twice a year, and have shared that they鈥檇 like more tutoring time, and that they鈥檙e hopeful that tutoring will continue to be available for SAT-prep and college essays as students get older.

McInerney said she鈥檇 like to develop a similar support program in every grade, from K-12, and devote more time to it. Students in younger grades are taught by co-teachers, both of whom are certified, who can pull aside students who need assistance.

Tutors can also help at that level, she said.

鈥淚t鈥檚 beneficial in exposing our students to tremendous people who have done this as a lifetime profession and who really are passionate and fair and can offer their skills to our students,鈥 she said.


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