
School Choice & Charters E-Book

The 91制片厂视频 School Movement: 25 Years in the Making

By 91制片厂视频 Week Press, 2016
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EBOOK charter school

The 25th anniversary of charter schools marks a period of considerable challenges and successes for the movement. As charters have expanded their reach, some observers inside and outside the sector contend they have wandered far from their original purpose: to be schools of innovation and serve as a research and development sector for traditional k-12 schools. On the contrary, proponents point to achievement gains in places like New York City as evidence of the positive role of charters, while referring to new practices such as weighted lotteries to indicate a receptiveness to making improvements.

In this comprehensive guide to charter schools, 91制片厂视频 Week details their impact on:

  • Public education
  • School choice initiatives
  • Student achievement
  • Accountability systems
  • Special education students
  • English-language learners
  • Equity and integration