
Special Report
Teacher Preparation

Don鈥檛 Rush to 鈥楧iagnose鈥 Learning Loss With a Formal Test. Do This Instead

By Catherine Gewertz 鈥 August 05, 2020 9 min read
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The question is hovering as teachers, principals, and district leaders plan for a uniquely challenging school year: How are we going to diagnose our students鈥 learning loss so we can catch them up on everything they missed?

But experts warn that it鈥檚 risky to frame the question that way. They鈥檙e worried that educators, under pressure to recover unfinished learning, will use formal tests to gauge learning loss, and then get stuck in a remediating cycle that prevents students from moving fully into grade-level learning.

EdWeek interviewed a dozen assessment and instruction experts and reviewed 17 guidance documents and articles by education organizations and think tanks and distilled their concerns and advice. Here鈥檚 what you need to know to avoid the danger zones when you鈥檙e figuring out what students need.

My district says we need to test all our students to figure out what they missed last year. Are you saying we shouldn鈥檛 do that?

It depends on what you mean by 鈥渢est.鈥 Most experts are urging teachers to avoid starting the year with a formal or standardized assessment. Instead, start with instruction. That might feel counterintuitive: How do I know what to teach if I don鈥檛 know what my students missed?


District and school leaders are confronting difficult, high-stakes decisions as they plan for how to reopen schools amid a global pandemic. Through eight installments, 91制片厂视频 Week journalists explore the big challenges education leaders must address, including running a socially distanced school, rethinking how to get students to and from school, and making up for learning losses. We present a broad spectrum of options endorsed by public health officials, explain strategies that some districts will adopt, and provide estimated costs.

Part 1: The Socially Distanced School Day
Part 2: Scheduling the School Year
Part 3: Tackling the Transportation Problem
Part 4: How to Make Remote Learning Work
Part 5: Teaching and Learning
Full Report: How We Go Back to School

The trick here is to expand your idea of what the word 鈥渁ssessment鈥 means. Think about the many strategies teachers use to gauge how well students are understanding something as they鈥檙e learning it. Well-crafted questions, games, tasks, or discussion prompts are part of teaching, but they serve as informal assessments, too.

These kinds of strategies鈥攌nown in the testing field as formative assessments or practices鈥攁re what most experts are strongly advising teachers to prioritize when school begins.

Does that mean we shouldn鈥檛 use a test that commercial publishers sell?

Not necessarily. It鈥檚 helpful to think about this in phases (when鈥檚 the right time for these different kinds of tests?) and in layers (who needs the information from these different kinds of tests?).

In the first phase of the new school year, most experts are urging schools to focus on building community and belonging and getting a sense of students鈥 emotional, physical, and social needs. As that gets under way, teachers can begin instruction, with lessons that are fun and interesting, but also designed to reveal whether students have a good grasp of the few key skills and concepts they鈥檒l need to succeed in that first unit of instruction. Those techniques help teachers adjust instruction so students can do well.

There is a place for commercially designed tests鈥攖he ones built into good-quality curricula or bought separately to measure growth, verify mastery of a specific unit, or diagnose struggles. If they鈥檙e well designed, those assessments can help principals and district leaders figure out where to deploy resources and supports or identify students who might need further attention.

But since many of those assessments can feel like 鈥渙fficial鈥 sit-down tests鈥攕ome take an hour or more鈥攅xperts are strongly urging schools to wait at least a few weeks. Far more important, they say, is forging a positive learning environment, supporting students鈥 well-being, and starting grade-level instruction in a way that immediately adjusts to students鈥 needs.

Downloadable Guide: Assessing Students This Fall: Focus on the Classroom

Teachers use these informal testing-by-teaching strategies all the time. Why are they suddenly top priority?

Precisely because so many children are returning to school (whether in-person or remotely) having missed some learning and having experienced COVID-related trauma. It makes little sense to start the year with a formal test when students are more likely to score low and can end up feeling that they鈥檙e already falling short.

The test-first approach can also put educators into a deficit mindset, where they are looking for last year鈥檚 gaps to fill, instead of focusing on what students need right now. Leading thinkers on this are advocating that teachers take a 鈥渏ust in time鈥 approach to remediating unfinished learning, not a 鈥渏ust in case鈥 approach.

鈥淛ust in time鈥 remediation means that teachers avoid trying to teach every standard or skill from last year. They can work together鈥攐r use 鈥攖o identify the handful of most essential skills and knowledge that students need to succeed at grade level right now, in a given unit. Then they鈥檇 create lessons that would shed light on where each student is with those essentials.

鈥淲hat students need isn鈥檛 necessarily the same thing as what they missed,鈥 said Thomas Guskey, an expert on testing and grading who鈥檚 a professor emeritus at the University of Kentucky.

OK, so we should hold off on the 鈥渙fficial鈥 tests.

Yes, but it might take some fortitude. Given the level of learning disruption caused by COVID-19, 鈥渄istricts will face a strong temptation to test students immediately upon re-entry to school, identify their academic 鈥榙eficits,鈥 and reteach or remediate,鈥 the on school reopening.

鈥淎ccording to research, both are largely ineffective practices鈥 that can alienate students from school and exacerbate inequitable access to grade-level instruction, the Council wrote. Districts should 鈥渁void the misuse of standardized testing鈥 and instead 鈥渒eep the focus on grade-level content and rigor, addressing learning gaps as needed.鈥

It鈥檚 also particularly important this year to avoid using tests鈥攅ven data gathered from informal tests embedded in instruction鈥攁s gatekeepers. Miring students in remediation and barring them from grade-level study would only serve to 鈥渇urther marginalize鈥 them, the .

So, what does testing-by-teaching look like?

Dylan Wiliam, an authority on formative assessment, offered an example in elementary level math. If he鈥檚 about to teach a unit on adding fractions, he said, he doesn鈥檛 want to find out whether his class knows how to add fractions. He wants to know whether they can generate sequences of equivalent fractions, a key precursor skill they need to find the least common denominator. He鈥檒l come up with activities to see if they can do that and see where students need more support.

Katherine Smith, who oversees assessments, research, and professional learning in Lyons Township High School District 204 in LaGrange, Ill., offered a glimpse of how it can look in social studies. A teacher could start the year with a K-W-L chart to find out what students already know, want to know, and have already learned, about the next unit. She could also create activities using primary source documents, charts, and graphs to gauge their skills in analyzing and drawing information from them.

A key trick of testing-by-teaching lies in structuring questions and discussion to elicit misconceptions. 鈥淐lass, David has just said that a square is a trapezoid. What do you think, and why do you think so?鈥 Teachers want to be sure to blend feedback from discussions with techniques that ensure responses from every student, like showing a 鈥渢humbs up or thumbs down,鈥 or collecting entry or exit tickets.

Experts vary on their level of comfort with using traditional gauges like multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank quizzes. Some think they feel too much like 鈥渙fficial鈥 tests to use early in this school year. Others say it鈥檚 fine, as long as they鈥檙e short and used only to yield insight for teachers, not to grade students.

Some of these things could be challenging remotely. How can I adapt them for distance learning?

Many in-class techniques, from Socratic discussion to exit tickets, can be easily shifted to live, remote instruction. Teachers can also use online tools like instant polling, breakout room discussions, digital hand-raising, and writing on a virtual whiteboard to get instant feedback on students鈥 learning.

If teachers are working only asynchronously, they鈥檒l face a little time lag, which isn鈥檛 ideal in adjusting instruction quickly. But they can still get pretty quick feedback by asking students to do short writing assignments, upload an image of a completed math problem, or share their thinking in a short recording on their cell phones or with apps like Flipgrid or Seesaw. They could also do short daily phone or text check-ins.

Should teachers approach informal assessments the same way in all grades and subjects?

No. The key precursor skills teachers are looking for varies by grade level and the nature of the subject. Not all topics will have prerequisite skills or knowledge; students don鈥檛 need to know geography to succeed in civics, for instance.

Math often builds on prior knowledge, so an elementary teacher would want to design activities to elicit students鈥 knowledge of place value, for instance, as she begins a unit on multi-digit addition. Not all math is linear, though, so teachers should analyze each unit for its precursor skills as they go.

Reading in grade 3 and higher generally requires teachers to scaffold students up to grade-level text, so assessment techniques can focus on ascertaining the background knowledge and vocabulary that might hinder that access.

Reading in grades K-2, however, requires something different: Teachers must figure out how well students have mastered all the components of early reading, and design strategies to cover them all, in a research-based sequence, if students have missed them.

You鈥檙e not saying that 鈥渏ust in time鈥 remediation will be sufficient for everyone, are you?

No. Schools will likely need to dive deeper into missed material with some students, providing extra learning time, one-on-one tutoring, and other interventions to help students regain lost ground. Fresh ideas about ways to deploy teachers can also offer additional support to students.

My curriculum doesn鈥檛 have very good assessment strategies or tools built in. Are there good resources that can guide me as I design my own?

There are a number of item banks that have questions teachers can use in informal tests or to design class discussions around, to gauge students鈥 learning. has 20,000 free questions. Teachers in states that use the Smarter Balanced assessment can search its new item bank, 鈥.鈥 A , which inherited and built upon the item bank from the PARCC assessment consortium, also offers released questions teachers can use.

Curriculum publishers have been getting in on the question of classrooms assessments, too. A project by the Collaborative for Student Success whose embedded assessments align with the priority content identified by Student Achievement Partners.

Some states and districts are also posting resources that can help teachers design classroom assessments. California, for instance, recently released .

EdWeek consulted a number of sources for this story. In alphabetical order, they are: Chris Barron, senior director of communications, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; Michael Casserly, executive director, Council of the Great City Schools; Dale Chu, independent consultant, Assessment HQ; Thomas Guskey, professor emeritus, University of Kentucky; and Jim Cowen, executive director, Collaborative for Student Success; Rebecca Kockler, independent consultant; Scott Marion, executive director, Center for Assessment; Carissa Moffat Miller, executive director, CCSSO; Scott Norton, deputy executive director of programs, CCSSO; Lynn Olson, independent consultant; Mora Segal, CEO, ANet; Katherine Smith, coordinator of assessments and research, Lyons Township High School District 204; Michelle Spoonemore, academic dean, Emery/Weiner School; Olga Vargas, vice president for marketing, New Meridian; Joanne Weiss, independent consultant; Dylan Wiliam, professor emeritus of educational assessments, UCL Institute of 91制片厂视频.

Documents: 鈥3 Principles for Assessments During Instructional Recovery and Beyond,鈥 ANet (May 2020); 鈥淎 Planning Framework for the 2020-21 School Year, Volume 1鈥 Los Angeles County Office of 91制片厂视频 (May 2020); 鈥淎ddressing Unfinished Learning,鈥 Council of the Great City Schools (June 2020); 鈥淎ssessment Considerations for Fall 2020,鈥 S. Marion, B. Gong, W. Lorie (June 2020); 鈥淏lueprint for Testing,鈥 FutureEd (July 2020); 鈥淐OVID-19 Response: Diagnostic Assessment,鈥 91制片厂视频 Reform Now (May 2020); 鈥淐urriculum Publisher Information to Support Learning During COVID,鈥 Collaborative for Student Success (July 2020); 鈥淕uidance on Diagnostic and Formative Assessments,鈥 California Department of 91制片厂视频 (July 2020); 鈥淟EAP 360 Diagnostic Mapping,鈥 Louisiana Department of 91制片厂视频; 鈥淟earning as We Go: Principles for Effective Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic,鈥 Center on Reinventing Public 91制片厂视频 (July 2020); 鈥淪chool Reopening Toolkit: Assessing Student Learning,鈥 Tennessee Department of 91制片厂视频 (June 2020); 鈥淪trong Start 2020: School Reopening Guidelines & Resources,鈥 Louisiana Department of 91制片厂视频 (July 2020); 鈥淩estart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning: Academic Guidance,鈥 and 鈥淩estart & Recovery: Assessment Considerations for Fall 2020,鈥 Council of Chief State School Officers (July 2020); 鈥淪chool Reentry Framework and Toolkits,鈥 Instruction Partners (July 2020); 鈥淲hen School is Back in Session, Where Will We Begin?鈥 Thomas R. Guskey, ASCD In Service (June 2020); 鈥淵ou Say Tomato: Concerns About the Diagnostic Assessment Rubric,鈥 S. Marion, Center for Assessment (June 2020).


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