
Early Childhood

In These Laundromats, Adults Do the Wash, and Children Read (Video)

By Emma Patti Harris 鈥 April 03, 2019 1 min read
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By Lisa Stark

Weekends are busy times at most laundromats, and that鈥檚 certainly true at Giant Wash in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Adults are sorting, washing, and drying clothes. And the kids鈥攚ell, normally they might be glued to an electronic device, or running around. But this Sunday afternoon they鈥檙e sitting on a colorful rug listening to a story.

It鈥檚 all part of an effort to improve early-childhood literacy by bringing books and storytime into unusual locations鈥攊n this case the laundromat.

Brooklyn librarian Samantha Owen has a simple goal: 鈥淚 want the kids to have fun and be really engaged with story time.鈥

Librarians, early-literacy groups, and laundromat owners are to see if reaching out to families in places they frequent can help close the literacy gap between low-income and higher-income students.

A preliminary study of six New York laundromats has shown a big difference when a reading corner is added. There鈥檚 a lot more reading and educational activities going on when children have a literacy area to explore.

Researcher Susan Neuman, a professor of Childhood 91制片厂视频 and Literacy Development at New York University, says it is critical to reach children at an early age. 鈥淭he problem with early literacy for so many of our children is they are not successful when they come to kindergarten and subsequently will not catch up fast enough by 3rd grade.鈥

Neuman says that 3rd grade is often thought of as a reading 鈥渂enchmark鈥 and if children can鈥檛 read fluently by then they will have 鈥済reat difficulty鈥 in later grades.

Those behind the New York effort include the Clinton Foundation鈥檚 鈥淭oo Small to Fail鈥 program, Libraries Without Borders, and the laundromat industry. They hope to expand literacy areas to thousands of locations nationwide.

鈥淲e have the right audience ... parents and kids who need the most help when it comes to literacy and access to books,鈥 says Brian Wallace, president and CEO of the Coin Laundry Association. 鈥淩ather than watch the socks tumble ... use that time and make it more productive.鈥

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Early Years blog.