
Reading & Literacy

Third Grade Reading Retention Is Back. Should It Be?

Despite mixed evidence, the policy is gathering steam after a pandemic-related pause
By Sarah Schwartz 鈥 October 21, 2022 8 min read
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At some point over the past few pandemic years, many states pressed pause on one particular high-stakes, controversial piece of education policy: 3rd grade retention. But now, it鈥檚 back.

The laws either allow or require districts to hold back students who aren鈥檛 reading proficiently by the end of the 3rd grade. Twenty-five states and the District of Columbia have these policies on the books, .

The idea is that 3rd grade is a pivotal time for literacy instruction: After that year, reading demands across subjects get a lot bigger. Kids are expected to be able to read word problems in math, directions in science, primary sources in social studies.

Research has borne out that it鈥檚 harder for students to succeed if they鈥檙e not proficient by 3rd grade. One landmark study found that students who couldn鈥檛 read on grade level by then were four times less likely to graduate high school on time than their peers who could.

But whether requiring struggling students to repeat that 3rd grade year will lead to better results is a different and more complicated question. Research findings on the policy are mixed, and have to be weighed against the negative social and emotional consequences of holding students back a grade. Many studies show only short-term academic gains, while others demonstrate greater likelihood of adverse outcomes like bullying.

The debate around these policies is heating up again now, as states wrestle with when to restart them after many were suspended during the early days of the pandemic. Alabama, for example, passed legislation that required 3rd grade retention in 2019, but decided to until the 2023-24 school year.

Third grade retention is embedded in states鈥 鈥榮cience of reading鈥 laws

Alabama鈥檚 new law speaks to another trend that鈥檚 bringing these 3rd grade policies back into the spotlight: The retention requirement was part of a sweeping bill aimed at bringing the 鈥渟cience of reading鈥 to the state.

The term refers to the body of research behind how children learn to read. Alabama鈥檚 law requires that teachers use evidence-based approaches to literacy instruction and that struggling students receive extra help. But it also puts in place a retention requirement鈥攁s does a recently passed science of reading law in Tennessee.

These retention components are designed to be the stick that urges districts to take new mandates seriously, said Kymyona Burk, a senior policy fellow at ExcelinEd. Burk led the implementation of Mississippi鈥檚 reading law, which included a retention policy, as the state鈥檚 literacy director.

鈥淚t鈥檚 making sure that there are consequences. Not consequences for the students, but we have to make sure that teachers are equipped,鈥 she said.

The problem, experts point out, is that the retention piece doesn鈥檛 have nearly as much research consensus as the other components.

鈥淭hough we might see them together in legislation, the science of reading has a very strong evidence base, and retention policies don鈥檛,鈥 Allison Socol, the vice president of P-12 policy, practice, and research for The 91制片厂视频 Trust.

鈥淚鈥檓 very glad to see a growing conversation about making sure that all students have strong foundational skills early on, because we know how important that is,鈥 she said. 鈥淏ut the research is pretty clear that, particularly for students of color and other underrepresented student groups, that retention in the long run isn鈥檛 effective鈥攁nd in fact can be harmful.鈥

What does the research say about retention?

The retention policies are test-based, meaning that proficiency is largely defined by students鈥 score on a 3rd grade reading assessment. Students who score below a cut-off are identified for retention, though most states allow certain exemptions.

How do students who are held back fare? Studies generally show . Researchers have also found negative consequences for students who repeat an elementary grade鈥攕tudents who are held back are in the next few years afterward, and students who are old for their grade are . There鈥檚 an equity concern too: Black and Latino students are consistently more likely to be retained than white students.

Still, a couple of recent large-scale studies have shown longer-term academic benefits for 3rd grade reading-related retention, when controlling for other factors. Both of these studies looked at Florida, a state that has had a 3rd grade reading policy on the books since 2003.

In a , researchers followed students who were retained in 3rd grade through high school. They found that students who were retained had higher grade point averages and took fewer remedial courses in high school than students who had similar reading abilities but weren鈥檛 retained.

Another study of Florida students, , found that English learners who were held back in 3rd grade achieved English proficiency faster than peers who weren鈥檛 and tripled their chances of taking college-credit bearing courses in high school.

Martin West, the academic dean of the Harvard Graduate School of 91制片厂视频 and one of the researchers on the 2017 study, said it鈥檚 hard to know exactly why Florida鈥檚 experiment seemed to work. But he noted that the state required schools to develop reading support plans for students who were held back, and to place those students with an effective teacher.

鈥淎n important distinction in these policies is between those that foreground the retention policy and do almost nothing other than it, and those that use the retention policy, if at all, as one part of a much broader strategy to drive teacher practice,鈥 said West.

The message resonates with Hiller Spires, a professor emerita of literacy and technology at North Carolina State鈥檚 College of 91制片厂视频. Spires is also a former executive director of the university鈥檚 Friday Institute, which analyzed the state鈥檚 3rd grade retention policy in 2018. The resulting report found that it had no effect on student achievement.

When the retention policy was first implemented, though, there wasn鈥檛 as much emphasis on differentiated intervention, Spires said. She hypothesized that this could be part of the reason why the policy wasn鈥檛 effective.

鈥淚f you just keep a kid back, and there are no customized supports, whatever happened that didn鈥檛 make a kid successful is going to happen again,鈥 Spires said.

North Carolina鈥檚 new reading law, passed in 2021, requires districts to adopt more detailed intervention plans for struggling students. This, along with state-provided training for teachers and reading specialists in each district could make retention more effective, Spires said.

鈥淚 would be optimistic, but at the same time, I don鈥檛 think that retention is the answer,鈥 she said, citing the possibility of unintended consequences like emotional difficulties and low self-esteem.

Anticipating 鈥榰nintended consequences鈥

In the end, it鈥檚 hard to pull apart the factors that led to improved achievement. Take the 2019 study, where English learners in Florida saw big gains after 3rd grade retention. Those retained students received at least 90 minutes of daily, targeted reading instruction from high-performing teachers.

鈥淭he question that this study raises for me is, was it being held back, or was it the targeted reading intervention?鈥 asked Socol of EdTrust.

Schools can start interventions while still promoting students to the next grade, and 鈥渢here鈥檚 now a lot of funding for those kinds of programs,鈥 she said, referencing federal COVID relief money.

Some states have taken on new initiatives designed at doing just this. In Delaware, for example, the state department of education is using ESSER funds to offer training to secondary reading teachers designed to help them provide 鈥渆quitable鈥 instruction to older students who have gaps in their foundational reading skills.

But taking this approach ignores an important benefit of retention policies, Burk argued: The policies telegraph to all educators in the school system that they play a role in meeting this accountability measure. 鈥淚 know that if I don鈥檛 do my part, then this student may not be promoted to 4th grade,鈥 Burk said.

The state of North Carolina is taking measures to improve reading rates in elementary schools, including in this first grade classroom at Eastern Elementary in Washington, N.C.
The state of North Carolina is taking measures to improve reading rates in elementary schools, including in this first grade classroom at Eastern Elementary in Washington, N.C.
Kate Medley for 91制片厂视频 Week

This idea emerged in conversations with educators in Florida, too, West said. 鈥淭he main role that the policy played in Florida was that early literacy is something we鈥檙e taking seriously.鈥

Some other studies, , have shown that places with test-based promotion policies see improvements in student scores within the 3rd grade year鈥攁 finding that researchers argue shows that the existence of the policy acts as a motivator for teachers and school leaders.

Even so, Socol said, 鈥渟ometimes policies, even with well-intentioned goals, have unintended consequences.鈥 State leaders may say they don鈥檛 want large numbers of children to be held back, but is that happening anyway?

Most states allow students to be exempted from the retention policy for certain reasons鈥攆or example, they鈥檙e an English learner with only a couple of years of English instruction, they鈥檝e already been retained before, or parents and the school decide together that retention isn鈥檛 appropriate. Nationally, the percentage of students retained has fallen from 2000 to 2016.

It鈥檚 possible that numbers plummeted further during the pandemic. In Detroit, for example, almost a quarter of students scored low enough on the 3rd grade reading exam to be retained last school year under Michigan鈥檚 law, but the vast majority moved on to the 4th grade. Detroit Superintendent Nikolai Vitti that the district didn鈥檛 think a single test score should determine whether students were promoted.

Still, some students do get held back. In Mississippi, for example, of 3rd graders were retained in the 2018-19 school year. In spring 2022, about three quarters of students ; students have up to two tries to retake the reading assessment if they initially fail.

Other states have implemented tiered options. In North Carolina, for example, students who are 鈥渞etained鈥 may repeat 3rd grade, but they can also attend a 3rd/4th transitional class the next year, or simply move to 4th grade, with a 鈥渞eading retained鈥 label鈥攁 designation that gives them extra intervention support.

鈥淚 just don鈥檛 think that you have to do [retention or promotion],鈥 said Spires. 鈥淚t can be more customized; you can have different models that are more responsive to different students.鈥

A version of this article appeared in the November 23, 2022 edition of 91制片厂视频 Week as Third Grade Reading Retention Is Back. Should It Be?


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