
Special Report
Professional Development

5 Ways for Principals to Turn Crisis Into Professional Development

By Arianna Prothero 鈥 November 02, 2021 8 min read
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Crisis, turbulence, and uncertainty are the new normal for school leaders navigating a pandemic, racial justice protests, and the politicization of issues as disparate as critical race theory and school masking policies.

But if and when the dust settles, are there lessons for principals to learn to sharpen their leadership skills for the next unknown crisis? The short answer, according to principals interviewed by 91制片厂视频 Week, is: of course. Crisis can serve as a form of real-world professional development. The tricky part is cultivating the habits and mindset to learn the lessons those experiences bring and apply them in the future.

EdWeek narrowed the advice of these principals鈥攚ho come from across the country鈥攄own to five ways for school leaders to take advantage of the lessons left by challenges.

1. Get feedback

School leaders shouldn鈥檛 rely solely on their own perspective when determining what worked and what didn鈥檛 in response to a crisis or challenge.

Feedback from the community can help principals crystallize important takeaways. What were the pros and cons of a particular action or policy?

鈥淪ee what things can be moved forward, and what things can be left behind,鈥 said Jonathan Saiz, the principal of Governor Bent Elementary in Albuquerque, N.M.

For this exercise to be meaningful, it鈥檚 important to gather perspective from many different groups, said Saiz.

鈥淛ust hearing from every person you can hear from before a huge initiative is implemented at the school,鈥 he said. 鈥淗ow will it impact all these stakeholders directly? How is it going to affect the families? It can be from a community event all the way to a homework policy.鈥

That includes listening to students as much as adults, he added.

But getting honest feedback isn鈥檛 as simple as it sounds and requires laying some groundwork.

Building trust is key, and one way to do that is through strengthening relationships with families, which Saiz did during the pandemic by increasing the number of home visits he conducted.

Another way to get honest feedback is by showing vulnerability, said Manuela Haberer, the principal of Murray E. Boone Elementary in San Antonio. It鈥檚 something she is conscientious about doing with her teachers, she said.

鈥淏ecause then you become relatable and they are able to more openly share with you what they are concerned about and what鈥檚 keeping them from performing their best,鈥 she said. 鈥淲hen you tell them, 鈥楾his is scary for me as well, but this is what we鈥檙e going to do, and we鈥檙e going to do it together, and we鈥檙e going to get through it together,鈥 you鈥檙e going to build trust.鈥

But to give meaningful feedback, people also need to be in the know, which requires thoughtful and frequent communication, said Haberer.

Prior to the pandemic, she used to send a weekly bulletin with school news and important dates and reminders. But once COVID-19 hit, directives and advice from the state and health officials were changing so quickly she started sending the bulletin daily to keep her staff in the loop as much as possible.

Having multiple avenues to share feedback with leadership is also important, said Kerensa Wing, the principal of Collins Hill High School, located outside Atlanta. To collect student feedback, she holds town halls, conducts regular surveys, and has standing meetings with several student leadership groups.

Kindergartner Iker Flores, 5, is tested for COVID-19 at a drive-through testing site in a parking garage in West Nyack, N.Y., Monday, Nov. 30, 2020. The site was only open to students and staff of Rockland County schools in an effort to test enough people to keep the schools open for in-person learning.

2. Focus on what you can control

For Trevor Goertzen, the principal of Spring Hill Middle School located just outside Kansas City, Kansas, an important part of developing the mindset to learn from failure or challenges is being deliberate in making head space to reflect on those difficulties.

That means making sure that he doesn鈥檛 dwell on minutiae and negativity, or he鈥檒l miss the lessons that can be gleaned from a particular challenge.

鈥淚 have no control over the political climate, I have no control over the junk that goes on social media, the homes my students come from, but I have control over what I give head space to,鈥 Goertzen said. 鈥淚f I am constantly worried about every little thing, I am going to be a negative person.鈥

Admittedly, it can be hard not to become consumed with worrying about every little thing, especially, said Goertzen, at a time when principals are substitute teaching, serving lunches, and taking on custodial tasks on top of their regular duties because of labor shortages.

But cultivating that self-awareness鈥攁nd keying into his inner dialogue鈥攈elps Goertzen home in on what lessons he can take away from a challenge.

鈥淚 have become a big believer that the thoughts we have will drive our actions,鈥 he said. 鈥淚f you let that be negative, and let the crisis be the thing that controls your thoughts ... you鈥檙e not going to be in a good place.鈥

3. Don鈥檛 forget the main goal

Sorting through the fallout after a crisis or turbulent time can be overwhelming.

But Goertzen said that keeping his highest priority in mind鈥攅ducating kids鈥攈elps focus his mind and prime it to learn from the crisis at hand.

鈥淚f you keep that priority, positive relationships with kids and educating kids the driving focus ... I feel like that鈥檚 something I don鈥檛 have complete control of as a principal, but I have a lot of influence over it,鈥 Goertzen said.

That has also been the guiding star for Haberer and her staff. 鈥淟ike most educators, we鈥檙e here because we love to see the students thrive and we love to see students progressing academically and socially,鈥 said Haberer.

It has been difficult for her staff as their students have struggled academically after a long period of remote learning and navigating job loss and death in their families.

鈥淲e鈥檙e blessed with having two regular counselors, plus a program called Communities in Schools provides a third counselor that really helps families with those social and economic problems,鈥 said Haberer. 鈥淪o, we can get the kids here at school, get the academic interventions that are needed and ... more of a school routine. That, as a school staff, has been our focus.鈥

People in favor of a mask mandate for Cobb County schools hold signs against the window to the office during the school board meeting Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021, in Marietta, Ga.

4. Lean on professional communities or networks

Formal or informal groups of peers can provide an important avenue for reflecting on what can be learned from a crisis and brainstorming ways to apply those lessons to the next big challenge.

鈥淵es, I think principal networks are critically important,鈥 said Wing. In her district, Gwinnett County Public Schools, principals of the district鈥檚 more than 20 high schools meet at least monthly. She said that, and attending conferences hosted by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, has helped her build a robust network of peers she can call upon to troubleshoot problems and learn from them.

鈥淭he principal鈥檚 job is unique in the building ... You need support as well as to be able to bounce ideas off of somebody,鈥 Wing said. 鈥淚n your building, sometimes when you say something everybody takes it as that鈥檚 what鈥檚 going to happen. But when you鈥檙e talking with another [principal] it鈥檚 easier to really do some brainstorming.鈥

Just as these opportunities are important for principals, it鈥檚 equally crucial that school leaders give their teachers and other staff the chance to collaborate and learn from challenges.

Haberer said she learned the importance of collaboration through her first career as a physical therapist, which required her to work closely with nurses, doctors, and the occupational therapist to care for patients.

She said while some schools put professional learning communities on pause to give teachers extra time to plan, she took the opposite tack because it gave educators an avenue to work through problems together and hopefully grow professionally from it.

鈥淣othing will build a team up more than being together in a struggle,鈥 she said.

5. Prioritize self-care

It鈥檚 been said a million times throughout the pandemic: You must put on your own oxygen mask before you can assist others with theirs. This analogy to an in-flight emergency is used to argue for the importance of self-care. Principals can鈥檛 adequately support their students and staff if they are completely depleted themselves.

But self-care is necessary for another reason, said Wing. Having the space to reflect on a turbulent time is key to unlocking the lessons from a particular challenge, which is why time away from meetings and the daily churn is so important.

鈥淚t gives you quiet time to organize your thoughts and think through things,鈥 she said. 鈥淥ne of my favorite activities is to go hiking because no one is talking to me, and no one can get ahold of me.鈥

Wing said if she could give two pieces of advice to other principals it would be to connect with their peers and make time for self-care.

Gigi Morgan Clark, 12, gets a shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the First Baptist Church of Pasadena, Friday, May 14, 2021, in Pasadena, Calif.

What they learned....

As far as what these principals learned during the past year and a half, the lessons were as varied as the communities they come from.

Wing said that the racial equity protests following the death of George Floyd were a turning point for her in realizing she needed to take a more data-driven approach to rooting out inequities in her high school.

She and her staff now meet frequently to comb over data on student discipline, attendance, Advanced Placement enrollment, and performance on AP tests for feedback on how students from different demographic groups are doing.

And while Wing said her faculty members couldn鈥檛 be more done with teaching over Zoom, they all realized it could be a powerful tool for making after-school tutoring more accessible to students who don鈥檛 have transportation.

The primary lesson Haberer took away from the pandemic was the need for constant communication through a crisis. She is keeping her daily bulletins because when there鈥檚 a lack of communication, negativity fills the void, she said, citing a quote she had read from leadership expert and author Jon Gordan.

Goertzen said the biggest lesson for him was how focusing on the main goal, educating children, can serve as an anchor for a school leader facing crisis.

Finally, for Saiz, the pandemic brought home how vital a school is to the broader community.

鈥淎 lot of times, in a school building, we are doing our work ... and we forget to pick up our heads and see, wow, this is the impact we鈥檙e making,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hat was my 鈥榓ha鈥 moment.鈥

鈥淜nowing that our work has a ripple effect, and knowing that whatever initiative is implemented in school, how it is affecting ... the community,鈥 he said. Prime example: 鈥淪chools closing ... had a huge impact.鈥

Coverage of principals and school leadership is supported in part by a grant from the Joyce Foundation, at . 91制片厂视频 Week retains sole editorial control over the content of this coverage.
A version of this article appeared in the November 03, 2021 edition of 91制片厂视频 Week as 5 Ways For Principals To Turn Crisis Into Professional Learning


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