
School & District Management

Mask-Mandate Opponents Are Bombarding Districts With Insurance Requests. Here鈥檚 Why

By Mark Lieberman 鈥 February 18, 2022 7 min read
Christy Pavlish, left, and Lauren Birkins display signs as they cross the street during a protest outside a Broward County School Board meeting in Florida last fall.
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A convoluted and factually shaky online campaign is spurring conservative activists and some parents to use obscure legal mechanisms to intimidate school districts into striking mask and vaccine requirements鈥攅ven in districts where those policies aren鈥檛 in place.

In recent weeks, people have showed up to school board meetings in at least 10 states demanding, sometimes at the top of their lungs, financial documents that some districts don鈥檛 even have.

Here鈥檚 a representative example. A parent recently showed up to a school board meeting for the 1,600-student Gladwin district in Michigan with an odd request: Show me your surety bond so I can file a claim against it that you鈥檙e violating students鈥 constitutional rights by requiring masks.

But the superintendent, Rick Seebeck, doesn鈥檛 have a surety bond in his name, and only unvaccinated students who have been exposed to COVID-19 are required to wear masks.

鈥淧eople aren鈥檛 interested in the truth. They鈥檙e not interested in what your policies are,鈥 Seebeck said. 鈥淭hey鈥檙e interested in the sport of attending a public meeting and throwing bombs.鈥

School board members and district leaders in some states are required to hold surety bonds, which provide legal and financial coverage for instances in which the bond holder commits fraud or another crime that hurts the school district. Some surety bonds allow individual members of the public to make claims against them, while others only permit, for instance, the school district itself, to make a claim.

Requests like the one Seebeck experienced have been cropping up in districts across the country, including in , , , , , , , , and . Sometimes, , the person making the demand admits they don鈥檛 even have a child in school.

These demands to eliminate mask and vaccine mandates are coming as many states and school districts are already making those moves.

鈥淓verybody in the educational community is going, we don鈥檛 really understand what they鈥檙e trying to accomplish,鈥 said Cindy Wilkerson, executive director for the Schools Insurance Group, an insurance cooperative for K-12 districts in California.

But experts on school insurance told 91制片厂视频 Week that requiring mask-wearing doesn鈥檛 violate the terms of surety bonds or school insurance policies. And many of these threats to file claims haven鈥檛 even been followed by actual filings.

A coordinated and convoluted effort to unsettle school boards

Parents or other adults who attend school board meetings have been announcing that they plan to 鈥渟erve鈥 the district with demands for its surety bonds and insurance policies. In some cases, they鈥檝e followed up those announcements with detailed open records requests, which sometimes run several pages long.

Less often, school districts will receive documents that purport to represent claims against those bonds or insurance policies. Virtually all of the claims that have surfaced in recent weeks have proven to be without merit, or they鈥檝e failed to make a specific allegation with valid supporting evidence, said Francisco Negr贸n, chief legal officer for the National School Boards Association, which counts 3,200 lawyers that represent school boards among its members.

Local citizens in California have been submitting data requests regarding bonds and insurance policies since the start of the year, Wilkerson said. The state鈥檚 school leaders don鈥檛 have individual surety bonds; instead, school boards are covered by a liability policy.

To be taken seriously, a legitimate claim against one of these policies would require the claimant to illustrate a concrete action and damages caused by that action.

鈥淲hen people want somebody to just stop doing something, that鈥檚 generally not an insurance trigger,鈥 Wilkerson said.

Many of these efforts appear to be inspired by a website, Bonds for the Win, that has surfaced in recent weeks urging parents to storm school board meetings with requests for surety bonds and liability insurance policies. The website includes lists of surety bond details for virtually all districts in California, Arizona, and Washington, and links to pages on the social media platform Telegram, a , to coordinate efforts in each of the 50 states. The group鈥檚 own Telegram page currently has more than 19,000 subscribers.

The website offers some clues as to the group鈥檚 aims. A Q&A section claims that a person whose bond receives too many claims could be prevented from holding public office or obtaining another public bond; two school insurance experts told 91制片厂视频 Week they don鈥檛 believe that鈥檚 true. A page titled 鈥淪top the Tyranny Fight Back鈥 lists 10 targets of the group鈥檚 ire, including vaccine mandates, mask mandates, lockdowns, business closures, and critical race theory.

The website links to a PayPal donation page for 鈥渂uilding a team of professionals to assist people in obtaining and filing bond claims against their school districts and local authorities at no cost to them.鈥 According to that page, the group has raised $14,000 towards its $20,000 goal.

One of the website鈥檚 founders, Miki Klann, lists a slogan for the QAnon conspiracy movement in the bio of her profile on the social media platform Telegram, according to a report from . Several other known misinformation spreaders and QAnon affiliates have been promoting the campaign against school boards in recent weeks, Vice reported.

Bonds for the Win also appears to have its eye on local office. One recent Telegram post from the group highlighted a man who acquired his California school district鈥檚 bonds and submitted Freedom of Information Act requests for 300 others. The post links to the man鈥檚 Venmo account and concludes by urging followers to support his bid for county supervisor, an elected position in local government.

School administrators struggle to keep up with ongoing chaos

When school districts receive requests for bonds or insurance policies, or claims against those policies, they鈥檙e often legally obligated to scramble to respond. Already-stretched administrators are confronting new piles of paperwork to sift through.

Mark Stockwell, executive director of the Missouri United School Insurance Council (MUSIC), received a call earlier this month from a person who wanted to file a claim against a school board member鈥檚 surety bond. Stockwell told her that only the district鈥檚 treasurer has a surety bond in their name, and that the district鈥檚 leaders are instead covered by a liability policy. The person asked to see the policy, but Stockwell told her she鈥檇 have to file an open records request with the district.

鈥淪he was hoping their deductible would be high so they could punish the school board members for voting for masks,鈥 Stockwell said.

A week later, five or six district leaders in the state contacted Stockwell to say they鈥檇 received Sunshine Law requests for their bonds and liability insurance.

鈥淚t probably takes someone in their office a few hours to compile the information,鈥 Stockwell said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not a horrendous burden. It鈥檚 just wasted effort.鈥

In Gladwin, the surety bond request is just the latest episode in an escalating series of battles over politics that have dismayed Seebeck, who鈥檚 led the district for 17 years.

Parents have visited school board meetings with printouts from obscure internet sites falsely claiming that vaccinating children will prevent them from eventually having children themselves. Social media groups have formed to criticize the district鈥檚 COVID-19 protocols. Community members have even verbally attacked Seebeck鈥檚 daughter, a junior in high school, over her father鈥檚 decisionmaking.

Seebeck has known many of his constituents for years. He sees them at the grocery store, at basketball games, on walks in his neighborhood.

鈥淣one of these folks that are behaving this way are bad people. They鈥檙e all good people. They鈥檙e passionate about something,鈥 Seebeck said. 鈥淲e used to deal with passion civilly. That doesn鈥檛 happen anymore.鈥

Seebeck and other administrators urge people who are frustrated with school policies to pursue legitimate avenues for addressing those concerns, like filing a Title IX complaint or a civil suit.

鈥淚f I am violating a child鈥檚 constitutional rights, I want to know about it,鈥 Seebeck said. 鈥淚f I truly am, I should be held accountable for that.鈥

A version of this article appeared in the March 09, 2022 edition of 91制片厂视频 Week as Mask-Mandate Opponents Are Bombarding Districts With Insurance Requests. Here鈥檚 Why


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